Order for 2024/4/4 景美小學 Delivery (因小幫手返台,僅有景美小學送貨服務)

How to Join (New Restaurants)

We are currently at our full capacity. We will contact you when we can.
Join Seattle Asian Foods as a Restaurant provider
If your restaurant meal would like to be featured on Seattle Asian Foods, please contact SeattleAsianFoods@gmail.com
如果您是餐館老闆,希望在Seattle Asian Foods上提供餐點、飲料、小吃或雜貨服務,請聯繫SeattleAsianFoods@gmail.com
Offer great delicacy across different hand-picked restaurants with great exclusive meal deals and special bundles. Seattle Asian Foods provides our customers with easy to enjoy food at their fingertips and offers our restaurant partners a reputable platform for easy order management and transaction management for your delicacy to be Picked Up!
Seattle Asian Foods 的願景是提供一個方便而輕鬆的方式讓客戶可以在線上點餐後一次領取各家不同餐館的美食,讓您在一個平台即可享受各家餐館的多種美食。Seattle Asian Foods 提供餐館便捷的訂單管理與創新的多點領取模式,讓餐館的美食不再受到地域限制,服務給更多客戶。
Fee schedule
No upfront listing fees required! We only run a minimal fee for restaurant owners to keep the site up and operations running. As a restaurant owner, you keep most of the revenue generated from the product sale on our marketplace. You provide great food and delivery service, we help you with listing, promotion, online transaction and order management for you to prepare your great gourmet. You need to set the price carefully by considering your cost, margin and market acceptance. If necessary, we reserve the rights to delist your products at anytime.
Rules and Requirements
If you would like to join Seattle Asian Foods, please follow these rules: We reserve the final rights for listing your restaurants and services. 
如欲加入Seattle Asian Foods,請確認您已經同意並遵守好下列注意事項與相關規則:我們保留最終的權力決定您的餐廳是否入選。

  • Stay healthy.  If you are sick, with all due respect, please check-in with your doctor and do not prepare food for public. 保持健康,如果有感冒生病的症狀,請務必和您的醫生聯繫,並且不要幫大家準備食物
  • Your kitchen staff MUST wear masks and gloves when preparing your delivering your products. 準備食物的過程請遵守相關衛生規定,送貨時請務必戴口罩和手套
  • We only accept restaurants with certification issued by local authorities. 我們目前只接受有合法營業登記與符合該州餐廳衛生相關法規的商家
  • Prepare your Menu, Exclusive meal, and price associated. 準備好菜單和預計上架的價錢
  • Provide good quality photos of your products / meals. This will help the customers to choose your meals. Photo service can be provided with a minimum fee. 準備好您餐點的高畫質照片,這樣客戶也會比較樂意下單您們的餐點!(我們也可以有償提供攝影服務)
  • Think about your capacity and set a cap for what you can deliver. 計畫您的備貨量與食物產量,建議設定每餐點的上限。
  • Prepare enough space at your restaurant location if you'd like to make your restaurant the PickUp location. 若您的餐廳希望做為該區域的提貨點,請準備足夠的空間置放食物
  • Prepare to deliver food, we will prepare the unified bags and labels for easy logistics. 請準備送貨的人員,我們會準備好制式的紙袋與方便辨識的標籤提供您們送貨。


Seattle Asian Foods Platform service include but not limit to: Product listing, product delisting, photograph, copy-writing, inventory management, logistic management, order, cancelled order, coordination and customer service with minimal fee schedule for maintaining smooth operations.


List price are defined by you as our Restaurant Partner, we charge a flat rate that includes online transaction fees charged by the service providers (banks or online transaction platform), tax and other miscellaneous fees.
